These are savers and utilities that have been written with thehelp of Scrplus or other resources on this site.If you'd like me to include one of your savers here, pleaseemail me.
Polymorf3D - shiny colourful 3d shape that morphs and transforms itselfover the screen. By Adam Dawes.Downloadit from his web page.
Scr Files Download Mac
Hamster Dance Saver (1.6Mb) - Legions of dancing hamsters will drive you madwith their inane de-do-de-do he-he-he!By Lucian Wischik.
Circles3 (200k) - A fractal of continuous coloured concentric circles.By Lucian Wischik. (Note: if you have a versionof Windows older than XP, you'll have to download Microsoft'sGDI+)
Stick Figure Procession (760k) - a procession of stick figures dance in timeto the music. By Lucian Wischik.
Featured Scr Files free downloads and reviews at WinSite. Smart Call Recorder - SCR is the best solution to record your phone calls. It is FREE and offers a lot of great features. Click the Google Play link above to download from there or if you'd rather download the APK directly, click the 'Download' button above.
Esse Lunga (2.2Mb) - a slideshow of food pun pictures in Italian,from a recent advertising campaign. By Lucian Wischik.
TwinkeGL - sends a shower of twinkling stars across the screenin a variety of attractive patterns. ByAdam Dawes.Downloadit from his web page.
ABs (741k) - Abdominal exercise. Hardest workout to date: 34,231 reps. Witnessthe awesome destructive power of my ABs.By Lucian Wischik.
Circles (1.2Mb) - Fractal circles spin about each other, inside each other.This saver is currently undergoing testing.Please download it and email meto say whether or not it worked on your system. Thanks!
Impressionist screen saver - What did Monet see when he dreamt?Find out with screen saver! Colourfully globs up your desktop. By Brian Rogers.Download it from his web site.
Dragon Cutlets (192k) -a 3d OpenGL hanging dragon mobile gently twists and turns. Whyis he called Cutlets? Run it and see!By Lucian Wischik.
Not An Elephant (605k) -Images of not-an-elephant inspired by Saint-Exupery's book The Little Prince.By Lucian Wischik.
Ghostly Images (162k) -Through a screen of static, faint ghostly images appear just at theedge of perception. Use your own images! Oruse these ghostly faces (145k).By Lucian Wischik.
Pie Gates (1.1Mb) -Watch a video clip of Bill Gets getting a cream pie in his face,in Belgium Feb 1998.By Lucian Wischik.
Worms (445k) -A can of gloriously coloured worms erupts from the center of your screen.By Lucian Wischik.
3D Kaleidoscope (100k) - Pleasing colours, textures and shapes move and rotatesymmetrically in this 3d accelerated saver. By Hannes Kaufmann.
Phantastic (335k) - a wide configurable selection--rain drops, bouncing bitmaps, wipe-out,colour blend. By Has very good reviews.Download it from its home page.
Cannabinatic (550k) - Shows 'interesting views and facts about a Miracle Drug knownas 'Hemp'. By very good reviews.Download it from its home page.
Advertising (770k) - you configure backgrounds, text, pictures, animationsto advertise your business or product. By very good reviews.Download it from its home page.
Rotating Galaxies (348k) -An astrophysical simulation of the galaxy, with some flashy 3d visuals.The spiral galaxy rotates; stars form out of the dust, grow old, and explodeinto supernovae, perhaps triggering star formation in adjacent sectorsof the galaxy. By Lucian Wischik.
Aepryus Graph - mathematical animated 3d graph shapes, withlots of configurability. By Aepryus Software.Download the saver from their web page.You can also download lots of additionalconfiguration files for the saver that people have sent in.
Dodecahedrons (241k) - 3d dodecahedral stars rotate about each other,or morph into their various forms. By Doug Neill.
Interactive massage tile puzzle (856k)- with various massage-related images. Onceyou've solved a puzzle you can set it as your wallpaper. Solve all the puzzles, andyou can use your own images! Also in the same series:Fantasy picture puzzle (, 836k) andPharmaceuticals picture puzzle (, 1.3Mb).By Lucian Wischik.
Proofs in the Symmetric Action Calculus (303k) - a fun little graphicalanimation of some of the author's Ph.D. research.By Lucian Wischik.
Marquee Plus - like the windows one, but way better: has networking,millenium countdown, text going at angles and more. By Chris Long.Download it from his web site.
ZoneRings (1.3Mb) - psychadelic pattern and polygon generator. Absolutelyamazing! Highly recommended.By Johnny Biddiscombe.
Mountain Terrain - generates random 3d landscapes in a variety of planetarystyles, and plays music while it does it! Highly recommended. By AlexanderBarentyne. Download it from his web site.
Slides (485k) - create your own slideshow of JPEG or BMPimages. By Lucian Wischik.
Flame (134k) - flames come up from the bottom of your screen.By Lucian Wischik.
Static (55k) - a DirectDraw screen full of static.By Lucian Wischik.

Custom Password Verification (234k) - using the 'honor' password verificationtechnology...By Lucian Wischik.
3rd Eye Solutions - a collection of savers including India Facts, Mrs Guji, Silly Santa, Avi Saver and Lottery Saver. 3rd Eye Solutions also developcustom savers in return for money. Visit their web
Quartet (32k) - lets you select four of your existing savers, which each runin their own quarter of the screen. By Andrew Stephens(
ScrHots3 (140k) - gives your screenhot corners which start the saver immediately ornever. Configure it from its page in Display Properties.Compatible with multiple-monitors. You are welcome toredistribute Scrhots yourself. By Lucian Wischik.
More savers
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If you have written any savers that you'd like to be put up on this web site,please send an email.
Other screen saver download sites
Scr Files Download
Most of the screen savers floating around on the internet are useless slide-showsor similar. You will have to search hard to find the gems. Here are some placesto look:
- After Dark, still the best
- Screen Saver Heaven - lots of them!
Scr Files Download Full
By Lucian Wischik