Php Artisan Key Generate Windows

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Download WinNMP Installer -

Hi there i'm following the Windows ISS (Install Snipe-IT Windows 2008 R2 With IIS) I have so far gone through with minimal problems i'm on step 'Configuring Snipe IT' under chapter 3 iii i'm trying to run the command 'php artisan key:gen. For Windows Users. Copy.env.example.env now open.env and modify database etc. Details with yours. Php artisan key:generate # Add tables to the database.

WinNMP - Nginx MariaDB Redis Php development stack for Windows

A lightweight, fast and stable server stack for developing php mysql applications on windows, based on the excellent webserver Nginx. A lighter alternative to XAMPP and WAMP.

1. Install WinNMP Stack

  • Download the latest installer. The installer produces a portable folder.

2. Create a new LARAVEL Project

  • Open WinNMP Manager by clicking the taskbar or desktop icon

  • Click on New Project icon, choose a project name like myProjectName, hit Enter or click Save Project.

  • Click Save to close the Edit Project window

Php Artisan Key Generate Windows

3. Download LARAVEL using Composer

  • Click on Open Command Prompt icon and execute (in folder WWW)

4. Setup Nginx

  • In the Projects list, click Project Setup

  • Leave Enable Local Virtual Server checked.

  • Set Public Sub-Folder to public. The folder public must exist!

  • Click on Edit Nginx Virtual Server button and replace the location / section with:

  • Save myProjectName.conf and click Save to close the Edit Project window

  • Press Reload Nginx button

5. Setup PHP

  • Press Edit php.ini button next to Php and comment out open_basedir (and pray), save php.ini,

  • Press Restart PHP-CGI button

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 7

6. Configure LARAVEL

  • Use Adminer to check if the project's database myProjectName was created automatically

  • Edit laravel .env file WWWmyProjectName.env and set :

  • Open a Command Prompt and execute:

Php Artisan Key Generate Command

7. View the frontend

Php Artisan Key:generate Windows 10 Pro

  • Browse to http://myProjectName.test

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